Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Dear Sarah:

What you said about Kamala Harris, and by default, the rest of us childless women was an appalling thing to say.  I never had biological children of my own because I married quite late, at 39.  I did have one pregnancy early in my marriage, but I lost that baby.  When I went for my first ultrasound there was no heartbeat.  The baby died inside of me at 11 weeks.  They had to take the baby. Basically, I had to have an abortion to remove it.  It was heartbreaking and I felt guilty for a long time because I thought I'd done something wrong.  

My point is, that even though I never gave birth, I have been a mother. I helped to raise my husband's two daughters.  One with Down Syndrome, who also had to have TWO kidney transplants.  I'd like to see YOU deal with that.  

Only women who are stepmothers can understand how callous your comment was. Especially if they've never had children of their own.  

Women should build each other up.  Not say something so demoralizing to other women who were not as lucky you were to have their own biological children.

And P.S. You said your children keep you humble?  You don't sound very humble to me.  You just sound like a mean girl.  

Saturday, July 27, 2024

NOW, PETER NAVARRO WANTS PRISON REFORM (or The Definition of a Crybaby) ...

In Peter Navarro’s angry speech at the RNC, Navarro arrived minutes after being released from prison and then ranted about his prosecution and jailing as part of a Democratic plot against him as he angrily stated “If they can come for me, if they can come for Donald Trump, they can come for you.”  I beg to differ Mr. Navarro.  I haven’t done anything wrong or criminal.  They came for you because you defied a congressional subpoena.  They came for Trump because he committed fraud to cover up a sexual liaison with a porn star and to save his run for the presidency.  If I throw away a jury summons I will get a letter telling me that if I do not respond, I will be fined $1,500.00.  So I don’t worry about THEM coming for me.  I'm not a criminal or a thief.  You, on the other hand, are a convicted criminal.  You need to rethink your stance and learn to self-reflect, but I think you and most of those in your party are missing that gene.   

Now, after having spent four months in prison Mr. Navarro is all in for prison reform.  Google his little speech about having his rights taken away and not having good food or proper healthcare.  It'll break your heart.  THEN, he did an interview with Mark Levin on Real Politics about his prison experience.  Here is an excerpt:

MARK LEVIN: What was your experience in there?

PETER NAVARRO: I went in there and I had immediate street cred for two reasons -- first of all Donald Trump. They love Trump because he passed something called the First Step Act, which is a major piece of prison reform legislation. They hate Biden and the Biden administration because he wasn't -- Biden is not enforcing the First Step Act. So there's a natural affinity for Trump folks.

But it was kind of funny in a way the fact that I was in prison for refusing to testify before Congress. It was not exactly moral equivalence there, but the fact that I had the courage to stand up for my convictions and not bend to the government's will. Therefore I wasn't a snitch in the world and I was a stand-up guy.

Let's review.

(1) You had immediate "street cred" because you're associated with Donald Trump?  Like my mother used to say, show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are.  YOU, Mr. Navarro, and all your inmate friends who love Donald Trump are CRIMINALS.  That is why you are all in love with each other.  Birds of a Feather my friend, Birds of a Feather.

(2) The "First Step Act" was passed by Trump because Jared Kushner's father is also a jailbird and Jared had been holding a grudge ever since.  

In 2005, when Jared Kushner was only 24 years old, his father, Charles Kushner, was sentenced to two years behind bars for multiple counts of "tax evasion, witness tampering, and illegal campaign donations" per The New York Times.

THEN, Daddy Kushner was jailed in 2008 because he admitted to setting up his own brother-in-law with a prostitute, secretly filming the liaison, and sending the tape to his sister to prevent them from testifying against him.  Who does something like that?  But, no biggie.  He was pardoned by Trump in the last weeks of his presidency so, there you go.  

(3) As far as being a "stand-up guy" you're not in the Mafia.  You are a white-collar criminal, which is the worst kind because your kind of scum live incredibly lavish lives, and then fuck over anyone who gets in your way.  

Jared Kushner had a stick up his ass regarding this "injustice" against his father and had lobbied his father-in-law Trump to pass the law. Kushner's efforts included contacting the Murdoch family (who own Fox News) to encourage positive coverage, appearing on Fox, securing Vice President Mike Pence's support, scheduling policy time discussions with Trump, and arranging meetings with celebrities like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian (eye roll). 

And these are the people that run the world.  

I'll leave you with that.

Sunday, October 29, 2023


MY THOUGHTS?  Please refer to the title of my blog.

Another election-denying Trump-loving Christian.  Yeah.  

Thursday, September 7, 2023


See this badass right here, Enrique Tarrio ... the Judge sentenced him to him 22 years in prison.  The badass cried in court and begged the judge not to take his 40's from him.  I think these fkn Proud Boys are just a bunch of Sissy Lala's.

Question:  Was it worth it you idiot?   

Doesn't look like such a badass now, does he?

Just a nerdy little wannabe.

Thursday, August 24, 2023



Bear with me peeps.  So, In my humble opinion, Donald Trump is the Beast who is going to usher in the Antichrist.  I'm certain of it.  I'm not a religious wingnut, but I can find no other reason for this man's existence.  He's like a cockroach that nothing can kill.  He has caused nothing but confusion, he's divided the country, no one knows who or what believe and this has left the American people divided beyond repair.  This confusion has caused many people to check out.  It's become too insane.  We, the people, have no power to change anything and Trump seems to be taking the entire country on the expressway to Hell.  His supporters, of course, believe he is the Second Coming.  Those wingnuts believe everything he says.  He's being persecuted, and his First Amendment Rights are being violated. He's being martyred and these Christians are going to vote for him no matter what because THEY DON'T CARE WHAT HE's DONE!  

I was watching the news the other night and they were interviewing Trump supporters and one woman was asked what she thought would happen if he didn't win the nomination.  Her answer?  Civil War.  And she was serious.

These Christian Trump supporters are now saying that the Beatitudes, Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, one of the most profound of the Gospels are now calling Jesus Christ "liberal" and "weak."   WHAT.  THE.  ACTUAL FUCK?  

Christianity Today Editor: Evangelicals Call Jesus “Liberal” and “Weak”

The editor-in-chief of Christianity Today is warning that evangelical Christianity is moving too far to the right, to the point that even Jesus’s teachings are considered “weak” now.

Russell Moore resigned from the Southern Baptist Convention in 2021, after years of being at odds with other evangelical leaders. Specifically, Moore openly criticized Donald Trump, whom many evangelical Christians embraced. Moore also criticized the Southern Baptist Convention’s response to a sexual abuse crisis and increasing tolerance for white nationalism in the community.

I'm scared.  I really believe that something bad is going to happen.  If Trump does not win the nomination I'm afraid there will be blood in the streets that will make January 6 seem like a family picnic.

And I just learned that Trump supporters have made the names and addresses of the Grand Jury jurors public and they've threatened to kill them.  Apparently, this is legal in Georgia, which completely blows my mind.  So now these jurors will have to live in fear of not knowing whether any of these crazies are going to make good on their threats.  Remember when those four idiots tried to kidnap Govenor Whitmer? What is happening to this country?!

These so-called Christians who are going to support Trump even unto death are not reading the same bible I am.  There are countless scriptures and admonishments from Jesus Christ warning people about "wolves in sheep's clothing" and false prophets speaking lies.  Yet, these Evangelicals are incapable of making the connection.  They obviously are not reflecting or thinking.  God was clearly speaking about someone like Donald Trump!  A lying shyster!  Mind-boggling. 

So let me explain where I'm coming from here.  I am not a holy roller, but I DO know my scripture.  Mainly because I needed to educate myself in order to debate these Evangelicals who hate Catholics, of which I am one.  Not one of the best by any means, but Catholic nonetheless, even though I no longer practice.    

I've learned all of Evangelical Christian's talking points and how to fight back, if you will, and defend my point of view with regard to scripture.  And I am proud to say that I have stumped quite a few of them.  But let me also make this crystal clear.  I do not debate in order to PROVE that I am right and THEY ARE WRONG.  I debate in order to illustrate how the Bible can be misconstrued, or misinterpreted.  Scripture can be twisted.  I also do not believe that the Bible is the infallible word of GOD and that everything in it is factual.  It is full of allegory and metaphor.  I also am not a person who hates anyone (except Trump).  I don't hate gays, or transgender individuals, or immigrants, because I have known and loved all, many of whom were my family and I've always had a tremendous amount of empathy for people who came out back in the 1970s and the courage that that took because back in the 1970's, this shit was REAL.  It wasn't like it is now.  People are much more accepting and less judgmental.  But back in the day, you literally did not know if your family was going to disown you for the rest of your life.  Then add in the fact that you're from a Mexican-American family!  You can imagine how difficult this had to be.  Those pains go deep.  

GOD BLESS MY DAD.  One day we were at a red light and a Chick-fil-A was on the corner and there were a billion cars in line.  My dad asked me "What is that place with all the cars?"  I said "that's Chick-fil-A Daddy.  I've never eaten there because they don't like gay people."  My dad:  "WELL THEN FUCK THEM!!!!!" which totally cracked me up.  

So, not that it will change anyone's mind, but if you happen to know any of these Christians, you might want to show them this video of a Pastor who is a TRUE CHRISTIAN speaking about our country today.

Saturday, January 7, 2023


After 15 rounds of voting Marjorie Taylor Greene was elected speaker of the house.  She went ahead and let Kevin McCarthy bang the gavel like a big boy. 

After granting concession after concession, the new speaker is guaranteed to get his portrait in the speaker's gallery and the official title of Speaker of the House with none of the really boring work he'd have to do if he were the REAL speaker.  

Let the clown show begin.

Friday, December 2, 2022

The lastest headlines ...

 Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Associate Joel Greenberg Gets 11-Year Prison Sentence

As The Daily Beast reported exclusively last year, Greenburg wrote a confession letter laying out how the congressman paid him to arrange for sex with multiple women—as well as a girl who was 17 at the time. And as the Beast also revealed, Greenberg’s private Venmo logs showed how the congressman did indeed pay him — and at one point mentioned the teen in a transaction memo. The FBI has that evidence, but the Department of Justice has yet to move on Gaetz. And while The Washington Post reported that the feds are dropping the sex crimes probe, eight sources told us the overall investigation continues.  ... right.

NEXT ...

A House committee has gained access to six years of former President Donald J. Trump’s tax returns after the Supreme Court last week paved the way for the release of records he had long sought to keep secret.

Despite this, NOTHING will happen to the previous president.  I say this with love for all of you ... Don't Get Your Hopes Up.  Justice does not come to all.  I wish it did, but it doesn't.  After TWO impeachments, countless sexist and racist comments, and telling the public to drink bleach to cure Covid ... Trump will spend the rest of his life at Mar-a-Lago plotting revenge on every last one of his enemies.  

The ONLY thing that could perhaps convince his "fans" that he is not who they think he is would be something out of The Dead Zone.  

Replace Martin Sheen with Donald Trump.

... and his minions still would not believe what they see with their own eyes even though it is captured on film.  SIGH.

NEXT ...

Hooded Kanye West praises Nazis during Alex Jones interview: ‘I see good things about Hitler’

That's it.  No words other than WE'RE DOOMED.