Tuesday, January 19, 2016


The circus gets crazier.  Look at that look on his face ... like he's not sure whether to be happy about this or not.  

In all seriousness ... this race has become curiousor and curiousor.  Palin endorsing Trump is like Dumb and Dumber playing "let's run for president!"  This morning I saw a clip of Donald Trump citing scripture ... 2 Corinthians or was it Corinthians 2?  Oh well, IT WAS THE BIBLE in any event.  A book I'm certain Donald Trump has NEVER read.  Talk about pandering.  And these poor evangelicals and Tea Party Republicans are willing to overlook the fact that he is CLEARLY PANDERING to them for their vote.  That he knows NOTHING of biblical principals or scripture ... it's tragic.  He has no shame.  They have no shame and Palin has no shame.  Sarah Palin will do ANYTHING to get back into the limelight of her once illustrious fifteen minutes of fame shouting to the crowd "LET'S GO KICK SOME ISIS ASS!"  The rest of her talk was just a bunch illogical blathering.  

Meanwhile, on Meet the Press Chuck Todd interviewed Marco Rubio who declared that "diplomacy is for wimps" ... Marco, ... YOU, who have never worn the uniform of a soldier, YOU who barely showed up to vote, YOU who compare yourself to Ronald Reagan (eyes rolling) stated when asked about the release of the prisoners from Iran ...
 “I don’t think these Americans should have ever been in prison. They didn’t do anything wrong. They are hostages. And so now we have a president that has traded hostages in exchange for prisoners who did commit a crime and were convicted after due process and a trial and everything of that sort.”

Uh ... Marco ... your quote right here "... And now we have a president that has traded hostages in exchange for prisoners who did commit a crime and were convicted after due process and a trial and everything of that sort."  

You do realize that Ronald Reagan did the same thing right?  Iran-Contra?  Remember that?  Oh.  I forgot.  You weren't born yet.  Marco, READ A F**KING HISTORY BOOK before you open your mouth. 

And he also uttered this pearl ... 

“At the end of the day when I am President, I will repeal the deal with Iran…and we will impose sanctions. It will be like Ronald Reagan where as soon as he took office, the hostages were released from Iran.”

Marco, you sound like Nicholas Cage's character in "Peggy Sue Got Married" when he cries as his girlfriend is breaking up with him ... "YOU'LL SEE!  I'M GONNA BE JUST LIKE FABIAN!"

This race is one for the history books.  Truly.  

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