Saturday, December 19, 2020


Details ‘How Wrong’ He Was To Not Wear A Mask In New Ad

"You know, lying in isolation in ICU for seven days I thought about how wrong I was to remove my mask at the White House,” says Christie. “Today, I think about how wrong it is to let mask-wearing divide us, especially as we now know you’re twice as likely to get COVID-19 if you don’t wear a mask. Because if you don’t do the right thing, we could all end up on the wrong side of history. Please wear a mask."

Really, Stupid?

You know what this kind of B.S. reminds me of? Like when you tell your kids eighteen thousand times not to leave the front door open because the dog will get out and get hit by a car, and they leave the front door open and the dog runs outside and gets hit by a car and DIES. WHY don't you a-holes just listen THE FIRST TIME?! Why does it take having the dog get run over by a car, or GETTING COVID WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN WEARING A MASK before you finally admit that YES! The experts KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT! JEEZ! I wish I could slap you upside your fat head you dick wad!

Yeah. Now he's making public service commercials pleading with people to wear a mask. SMH.

So you all know what this is about right? Trump is now on his way out and has immediately become irrelevant. Therefore, Mr. Christie doesn't have to kiss his ass anymore. Now he's got to kiss Joe Biden's ass. This is the good thing about being me. I don't have to kiss ANYONE's ASS EVER! Chris Christie is a lambon (there should be an accent mark over the o. (That's Spanish for kiss ass).

I hope one day we will have public servants who actually serve the public. When you ask them a question they will tell you what THEY really think. Not what they think they should say. I don't think they realize how much the "little people" would respect that.

NEXT ...
So ... now the Prez is doing absolutely nothing. Nothing about Covid, nothing about the latest computer hack by the Russians. NOTHING. However, there is something related to the prez that puts a smile on my face and a warms the cockles of my heart. His neighbors in Florida don't want him there. They don't want him living full-time at Mar-a-Lago. And he can't go back to NYC because everyone there thinks he's a dick. And they would be correct about that assessment. Mhmm ... maybe prison is a real option?

As for Jarvanka, apparently they are building a gigantic compound in Florida. This is because the glitterati of NYC don't want them back.
For people like the Trumps who cannot live outside of the spotlight this is a fate worse than death.
And y'all know that Ivanka has political ambitions right?

1 comment:

  1. As for Ivanka and her "husband," there is talk that they're moving to Florida like Mrs. Madoff did right before her husband went to prison because Florida won't go after the wife's money.
    Makes sense because to criminals it's all about the coins ... and that NYC said, 'Take a hike.'
